Saturday, 4 April 2020


Quarantine Days : RIDDLES FOR FUN!

When the Corona-virus pandemic is going on, you probably be in quarantine or not. To let a smile come across here are some fun riddles of which the solutions will be available in my next blog. Post the answers in comments in the comment section.

Rules : *Don't use google or any search options to find answers*

Riddle 1:

What comes ones in a year, twice in a week but not in month?

Riddle 2:  An ex-policeman lost his house, his car, and his girlfriend. What did he lose first?

Riddle 3: According to you which glass among all of them gonna be filled first?                       (Picture riddle)


Riddle 4: Mr. A and Mrs. B are the father and the mother of C. But C is not their son . Hows this possible?

Riddle 5: A man dressed in all black is walking down the road with a black umbrella. But it was not raining. Suddenly, a large black car with no lights turned on comes round the corner and screeches to a halt. How did the car driver come to know that he was there?

The solutions of these riddles will be available in my next blog. Would love to know how you can get creative with the answers. And don't forget to spread kindness and be safe. You can share with your friends if you liked these riddles. If you like this sort of fun riddle blog, then i can try to do this every week for once.

Thank you

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