Tuesday 7 April 2020



"April 7, 2020 marks the day for World Health Day". Before i begin my blog, Let us thank and praise as gratitude towards all the medical professionals and who so ever is related to the medical profession some how , be it doctors, nurses, midwives, medical staff, cleaners and everyone right now who are fighting one of the biggest war for us against the pandemic Corona-virus while having the risk of getting affected too. Yes i call it as a war as we as normal people or citizens can't do anything against it except the medical experts. I would also like to ask you to pray for those who have lost their lives while fighting for us.

Its not easy to describe health. No one has every defined it adequately. Its the basic pillar on which a lifeforms stands on! It is an important factor which can't be ignored."It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver." It is very true as if you have good health you can achieve all sorts of wealth but if you don't have good health then all the wealth is worthless. A good health is not only about being physically fit. In modern times every person is being health conscious more in terms of physical way by going to gym, doing lots of exercises and sweating it out or may be just going for running, jogging or cycling etc. It more like a fashion norm that everyone is following blindly. That is just one aspect of it. 

Like every coin got two sides, same goes for health. But what most people do is that they ignore the other aspect of it which is - The mental health. There is a huge difference between mental illness and metal issues. Mental health is all about mental issues

Mental issues like isolating oneself, having problems going in your mind which you want to share but couldn't, acting strange, getting heavy dosage of alcohol and drugs or may be weed too, getting lot anxiety, PTSDs and many more. These could be some symptoms which could let you know whether your friend or family member is either going through any mental issues. Mental issues are more important than being physical problems as they cannot be seen. Some times mental issues may cause some seviour depressions, committing suicide  as well as lot of anxiety which you hesitate to share.

How can we solve the problems of mental issues or mental health ? - "We gotta take care of each other. So if you see somebody that's hurting, don't look away. And if you're hurting, even though it might be hard, try to find that bravery within yourself to dive deep and go tell somebody and take them up in your head with you. I love you, thank you so much" - said by LADY GAGA during her Grammy speech. Let it be your friend or any family member who seems to be going through such issues, you need to talk to them about those issues and make them believe that you gonna support them and help them out! And if you are suffering, just go to the closest one to your heart and tell them whats going with you and i am sure they will understand and support no matter what!

"OK! it will be fine. I am with you!" - Yes, these were the magical words said by my BFF when i was having some  mental issues and by hearing those words, a wave of positive vibes ran into my veins. So if you ever see anyone suffering, just say those magical words and i am sure they will feel better.

Though i am bad at physics or maths but GOOD HEALTH has an equation too :

                                              "Good Health = Respect + Love + Care"

Respect yourself  and others, Love yourself and others and Care for yourself and others without the objective of getting those back from others for yourself. You never know a small act of kindness could give you immense happiness. So keep spreading love and kindness for the likes of yourself and not of others. Everything will be fine soon or later.

Thank you,

- Bhola.

Saturday 4 April 2020


Quarantine Days : RIDDLES FOR FUN!

When the Corona-virus pandemic is going on, you probably be in quarantine or not. To let a smile come across here are some fun riddles of which the solutions will be available in my next blog. Post the answers in comments in the comment section.

Rules : *Don't use google or any search options to find answers*

Riddle 1:

What comes ones in a year, twice in a week but not in month?

Riddle 2:  An ex-policeman lost his house, his car, and his girlfriend. What did he lose first?

Riddle 3: According to you which glass among all of them gonna be filled first?                       (Picture riddle)


Riddle 4: Mr. A and Mrs. B are the father and the mother of C. But C is not their son . Hows this possible?

Riddle 5: A man dressed in all black is walking down the road with a black umbrella. But it was not raining. Suddenly, a large black car with no lights turned on comes round the corner and screeches to a halt. How did the car driver come to know that he was there?

The solutions of these riddles will be available in my next blog. Would love to know how you can get creative with the answers. And don't forget to spread kindness and be safe. You can share with your friends if you liked these riddles. If you like this sort of fun riddle blog, then i can try to do this every week for once.

Thank you

Friday 3 April 2020



Most of the great nations (every nation is great) are focusing on the policy of 'STAY HOME STAY SAFE'. Do you know WHY? Because they want us to be safe and break the chain of Corona-virus by not letting it spread! They are not doing it deliberately or because they don't have vaccines yet. They are working hard on it. They know by doing so they gonna see huge declines in their economic growth as most of the manufacturing units, companies, every sort of shop around are facing lock downs. But what would a nation do if most of its people not survive?

WE ALL CAN BE SUPER HEROES! I am not talking about justice league or avengers. Now you might want to know HOW you can be? By just staying at homes, maintaining distances at least two metres from everyone, using sanitzer and wearing masks when going out. By seeing any symptoms of Corona-virus, one must instantly contact to doctor. By following some of these little acts we can save ourselves as well as each other. Thus, we all can be superheroes for our nations, for our friends, family, every single person.

How can we take part in the fight against Corona virus : 

1. Donations: 

There are many problems right now going on. Patients of Corona-virus are increasing at an alarming rate. We don't have enough facilities for them. There are very less test kits available, medicines, masks, sanitizer are available in less quantities or getting hoarded to sell them on high prices, Hospital beds and their spaces are becoming less, food problems and many more. So it is upon us to help them through donations which could be in any form. It could be simple financial help or providing food or providing home made masks. Don't go in person to do that. Find nearby organisations or NGOs which are doing it or even there are various relief funds made by governments. Little help for everyone can actually help many lives.

2. Stop spreading fake messages/news:

Stop spreading fake news and messages regarding it. If you see any such then contact to your nearby helpline numbers. It is because there are many, i mean many messages that are fake and serious going around whats app and tik tok... they could be on various sites too. Report them instantly if you come across any.

3. Following the safety procedures : 

During lock-downs they could be harsh when you get out of your homes but that is for our benefit. You need to follow the safety measures provided by government of the respective country to be safe.

4. Volunteering:

You can volunteer with various helping organisations and NGOs but make sure that you are  following all the safety measure. 

5. Stop eating food from outside : 

Don't eat anything from outside until Corona-virus ends. You never know the food you gonna eat if made by any corona affected person. Even beware of home deliveries, as the delivery guy could also be affected with corona.

6. Exercise or Yoga:

Make sure you do home exercises or yoga during this lock-down period to keep yourself fit and mind at peace. This is how we can give little time to our body and mind while staying in homes.

7. Avoid handshakes. 

Go for 'NAMASTE' or 'SALUTE' as a sign to greet each other.

8. Inform nearby helping authorities :

If you see any sort of gatherings nearby, make sure you contact your nearby helpline numbers matters regarding this. Even if you face any problem but you don't know what to do then helping authorities are always available.

These are some of the ways by which you can actually be a SUPERHERO. Most importantly keep spreading smiles and kindness. I would love to know some ideas from you.  Drop a follow if you like reading my blogs and find them useful. Comments are also appreciated! 

Thank you
- Bhola 

Monday 30 March 2020

HOW to make most out of the QUARANTINE days!

HOW to make most out of the QUARANTINE days!

This is very tough time we all going through. Most of us are going through lock downs extending more than a week or more. Somewhere even months. All we are doing is sitting at our homes, not working, not meeting anyone and we can't even go out. Its actually very tough to pass the time right now. Here are some ways by which you can actually make most of your free time right now, which could turn out to be fruitful later:

1. Spending time with family : 

Yes, that is what you need to do right now. Have conversations with your family members, know them more and if you got kids then its best time to connect with them and know about their world. I say it because when we gonna get back to work and get back in our hectic schedules, we surely gonna miss these days. You can also chat or video call with friends whom you have never meet or heard of them in many years. Facebook is the best way to find those forgotten friends. You can play various indoor games too like of Ludo, chess etc.

2. Go for gaming : 

That is what i am doing these days. You don't need a PS or Xbox or Nintendo...All you need is a smartphone. There are many games on play-store as well as apple store. My favourite is PUBG. Though i play candy crush and sometimes Call of duty and free fire too. Its the best to go for multiplayer games so you can connect with people around. Gaming is also helpful in increasing brain power as well as concentration power. You can post your gaming videos or  game review or may be live gaming on various social apps and if lucky you can make good fortune of them.

3. Go for cooking : 

If any time back you wanna try something new in your kitchen but you couldn't then its the best time right now to do. All you need is to be a food scientist and do experiments over food. If you think your experiments with food are actually getting good then you can post your recepie or videos on various social apps if you think your experiments are actually good. They could also get you goof fortune . Though there is no such work like food scientist. Lolls.

4. Home exercising : 

When gym are under lock-downs too, best is to go for exercising in homes. There are various videos on YouTube which could actually help you in doing that. I personally prefer doing lots of squats and push ups. I guess those are enough to keep me fit. You can try skipping too to burn some calories.There are lots of other exercises too which you could try.

5. Reading : 

If you are some sort of person who like reading but couldn't get time to do that, then its best time. Go for the books you got with you or go for kindle app where you can go for e-books. I do get bored but its actually fun sometimes. But if you like to read then you surely gonna find it fun! There are many good books which are available on google and kindle. I prefer the one with fantasies or romance though. But there various genres depending on your taste.

6. Writing/Typing : 

If you good at writing or typing stories and you got lots of ideas then you can go for writing books or blogs. I mean its the best time to do it. I have started blogging too because i really enjoy it and more over i like like reading blogs from other people too. You never know if you could come out as a good blogger or book writer. You can start that with paper or pen, a computer, a laptop or even if you got typewriters. But it takes time and patience to make a good story for the likes of all.

7. Fashion skills : 

You can probably do nail arts and their tutorials, or may be make up videos or hair-styling. You know, Fashion has no ending! It could be even customising your own clothes!If you are some sort of person who likes to play with thread and needle or like stitching or knitting then its best time to try out your skills. I mean it surely gonna be fun when you gonna try your fashion skills which could be dramatic or simple or may be bold.

8. Cleaning : 

Ah! Its best time to clean our homes too. I mean literally you gonna find anything that is not useful to you but you have kept it for several years. It almost took a whole week for me to clean my house and i found lot of things that weren't use to me.

9. Dancing and Singing : 

Ah! That surely gonna be fun! Its the best time to sweat it out with dancing. I mean it could be good or bad but when you do, then do it like no one is watching you. Same thing goes for singing. You might become a star over night. Right now my favourite song to dance on is 'STUPID LOVE' by Lady Gaga! Its really sweats me out: https://youtu.be/5L6xyaeiV58

10. Binge watching : 

Its best time to watch out those missed episodes or movies or anime or documentaries or web series from your favourite binge. It could be anime too. I just finished 500 episodes of Naruto Shippuden. There is Netflix, Amazon Prime or many more such platform which provide good quality content . You can watch on TV as well as on your smartphones.

11. Investing in Share Market :

Yes, you heard it right. Investing in shares can be done at any place, any time or in any corner of the world. All you need is a smartphone and trusted share market investing apps. This could turn out to be profitable when most of good companies shares are available at low prices due to lock-downs going on! It could turn out as a good fortune as well as you can save your investments if you wish to have returns with a view of longer time duration.

12. Learning Graphic designing, 3D modelling and animation:

Graphic designing is something which is my favourite. I am more into making digital illustrations. But there are lot of things which are fun as well as profitable. There are various software like Adobe Photoshop, After effects, 3D Autodesk Max, Maya, Cinema 4D and many more. If you cant afford those, no worries. They are available on some sites which are made for student learning purposes and cracks are available too. There are millions of tutorials available for every software on YouTube as well as online courses also available. So it could turn out to be your hobby as well as for good fortune.

These are some of the ways by which you can actually have fun time during dark hours of the lock down. But what is most important is to spread love and kindness. It could be in any form. Hope you enjoy my blogs. Comments are always welcomed. I would love to know how are you spending your time these days!

Thank You,

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BharatMaheshw16
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bharatmaheshw16/
FB : https://www.facebook.com/bharat.maheshwari.142

Saturday 28 March 2020

Quarantine Days : Who is affected the most in this Corona virus crisis?

Quarantine Days : Who is affected the most in this Corona-virus crisis?

Who is affected the most with this Corona-virus? Is it the old age people or adults or the future ? By future i simply mean the kids, children and teens whose education is getting affected the most by the Corona-virus crisis. When most of the countries are going under lock-downs which may extend to months, most of the schools and colleges are closed right now. The time right now would have been either for the final sessions or probably the new sessions to begin!
                                          Pic cc: classroomclipart.com

There could be a lot of ways by which the education of them could be covered:

1. E- classes : 

                                          Pic cc : Webinar new

Some schools and colleges have started this thing. But this could be not possible for everyone as it requires a lot of expenses as well as very good internet.

2. Teach them by yourself: 

                                          Pic cc : eSchool news

If you are at home too during this lock down period, you can ask from    the school for the course which they could send you over the email or whats-app. There are various E-books too available on the internet. You can ask the school to refer you some. This will not only built good bonds between you as well as you can learn something new from each other. This could be the best way.

3. Go for YouTube or various apps which are providing education :

You can ask the respective subject teachers to upload videos on YouTube or school's site. So the children could learn from it anytime. There are various apps or i say applications which are helpful in studying as for education purposes.

This is actually the hardest time which they have to go through. They cannot meet their friends, or go out, not even play just staying in homes. The first thing you need to do is tell them everything about Corona-virus because you never know if they are learning incorrect things from over the internet as its full of lot of truth as well as lies at the same time. It is us who has to make them understand that why they can't go to school or meet friends. The major thing is to not let them getting panic due to havoc around! And the best thing would be to spend quality time with them ! 

At the end of the day making them learn about spreading kindness and working together is the most important! Drop a follow if you like reading my blogs and find them useful. Comments are also appreciated

Thank you
Regards Bhola!

Friday 27 March 2020

Quarantine Days : Time to change the way how you travel !

Quarantine Days : Time to change the way how you travel !

Greetings to all! Hope you liked my previous blog! So in this one i wanna share the ways how you can actually change the ways or be protective for the next time you wish to travel to other countries other than your home ones! This is all my personal experience which i am gonna share with you all that i have learned after the corona virus crisis which is still going on! I mean i would think twice before travelling to other countries and hopefully you all too gonna think same! The reason is simple, because you never know what disease you could catch, it could turn out to be a biological weapon or what if such disease don't have any cure by the time you gonna be alive. So here are the ways which can actually or somehow be taken as preventive measures:

1. Go for a full body check up before travelling as well as after coming back. And even if you feel slightest thing in the next few days of coming back, then please visit the doctor!

2. Carry a Pocket hand sanitizer always with you. Though they were not necessary time back but now they are. Go for good ones and not for the locals. There are some sanitizers which work for up to 6 hours in one use!

3. Face masks are indeed necessary. Just don't forget those. Go for the one with filter! I have learned this after the Corona virus crisis. Though there are various fashionable masks available too. If you are BTS band fan then let me tell you that they wear masks even while travelling even in their home countries.

4. Always try to google or watch out of for every possible news about the country you are going to visit so that you can be aware of its present situations.Keep yourself updated with the current situations of the place you gonna visit!

5. Avoid shopping from locals. Though you can go for shopping at airports but not from locals until you are sure thats its completely safe.

6. Avoid interacting with people. And if you do don't go for handshakes. 'Namaste' would be best right now to do! And also maintain some distance while you interact!

7. Go vegan! Yup, you never know what you can get from what you eat!

8. Don't drink water from local taps. Go for air tight packed water bottles!

At the end of the day all i want is the world to be a kinder place where everyone gonna help each other no matter what happens.  Hopefully, these were some points that i wanna share with you all! I would be grateful to you if somehow i be able to help! And don't worry, we will soon get over this Corona virus crisis! Let me know whats your take on it. Would love to know your reactions! DROP A FOLLOW if you LIKE reading MY BLOGS!

Thank you,
- Bhola! 

Thursday 26 March 2020

Quarantine affecting middle class most?!

Quarantine affecting middle class most?!

Hello everyone veryone! Greetings to all! It is indeed the toughest time we are going through! We all are under a crisis which is not visible to us but affecting everyone's life right now! Its been announced as pandemic and yes, its Corona virus ! I am in a country where the government has announced a 21 days lock down and people call it as Quarantine period. There was one week curfew before that twenty one days lock down! So it makes it a complete month! I am sure gonna extend too! 


The least talked about are the middle class businessmen or businesswomen who goes to their shop everyday, probably doing retail or whole distribution of commodities which might not count in necessities but required for other functional purposes! What gonna happen with those for this period of thirty days lock down? They gonna sit idle in their homes and yet have to pay to their servants or workers even when there is no work,  gonna pay heavy electricity bills, pay for food or ration, pay for daily necessities, pay for gas  or fuel. I fear what if the duration is increased !

Is government doing something for them? - NO. They have extended the dates for filing returns. I mean seriously does that gonna help any way to those business people? It surely gonna help Chartered accountants, accountants, auditors though! They gonna get more time i guess! It surely breaks my heart! *crying in corner*


You might want to know that why i call it as a biggest problem for middle class people. See, government is giving poor or lower class people free food, free electricity, pensions and many more services!The people with jobs in government sectors also getting their incomes as usual even in lock down period! The upper class people *mainly consists of big business people, actors, ministers etc* who want be affected by the quarantine period as they already got large junks of fortune! The quarantine period will not gonna affect people who work from home like the ones from IT sector, it will not gonna affect the ones who are working through various social sites such as YouTube or tik tok or many more!

I am not sure what gonna happen with those! What is the quarantine period extends? How they gonna survive? I wish government had or will make such plans that they gonna relief to middle class people! 

That is  one of the reason why i am starting to do blogging! If you like my blogs *Its my first one*, Please do share and give likes! I would keep you all updated with my Quarantine days! You can drop suggestions in comments on how can i improve my blogs as well as if i am wrong anywhere! DROP A FOLLOW IF YOU LIKE MY BLOGS!

Thanking you,


WORLD HEALTH DAY " April 7, 2020 marks the day for World Health Day " . Before i begin my blog, Let us thank and praise ...